The 2015 edition of the Ecology & Behaviour meetings will take place in Toulouse.
For more information, please check their website.
Ever since its inception in Chizé in 2005, the "Ecology & Behaviour" conference has never ceased to be a success. This year, we are pleased to announce that the 10th edition will be held in Montpellier.
As the nine previous editions, the tenth "Ecology and Behaviour" meeting is organized by and directed to graduate students and postdocs. This meeting is an ideal place of exchange between young European researchers working in the field of ecology, evolutionary biology and the study of animal behavior. (More information)

You are a PhD student or a post-doc, your research topic is ecology, behavioural ecology, or evolutionary biology? This conference is made for you!
You find symposia usually:
1. Boring because the spectrum of presentations is usually too wide for you to follow,
2. Stressful, as presenting results or asking questions in front of accomplished researchers is difficult,
3. Too expensive because as a student, you can't afford large expenses.
The "Ecology & Behaviour" symposium should give you satisfaction, because:
1. The communications will be related to your field of study
2. The communications will be presented in English in front of an international audience of PhD students and postdocs in a convivial environment.
3. If you present your work (talk or poster), you will not have to worry about financial issues. Once you're in Montpellier, you will be housed and lunches will be free for the duration of the E&B symposium.
Whether you are a student, a researcher or just curious, here is an opportunity to attend an international congress, hear about the latest discoveries in Ecology and Behaviour and enjoy stimulating discussions with young researchers and guest speakers.